Filmby Aarhus
Filmby Aarhus is the centre for film and media production in Jutland. 80 companies and hundreds of creative heads work side by side. The aim is to boost the development of media and to highlight the city’s cultural forces through film and media production.
Filmby Aarhus is placed in raw and industrial surroundings on the South Harbour. The South Harbour with its harbour area and old meatpacking district is still a diamond in the rough with lots of young and creative energy continually moving in.
Address: Filmby Aarhus, Filmbyen 23, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark

Turbinehallen is centrally located in the heart of Filmby Aarhus. The building is a fascinating example of industrial architecture around 1900, and at the same time a glorious example of how a worn-out building can be revived.
The place was built and designed by the architect Fritz Koch, who also designed the original Langelinie pavilion and the well-known octagonal Copenhagen telephone kiosks.
Address: Kalkværksvej 12, Filmbyen 19, 8000 Aarhus C
VIA University College
Located in Filmby Aarhus you’ll find VIA Film & Transmedia – a department under VIA University College that preprares students for a career in filmic storytelling.
VIA Film & Transmedia offer unique programmes into fashion and film by inviting the industry into the classrooms. Something that is made possible by locating the department in the midst of the flourishing film and fashion industry in the prestigious harbour environment.
Address: Filmbyen 2, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark