Jan Neiiendam

Director at Nimbi GameLab

Jan Neiiendam is the newly appointed director of Nimbi GameLab – Denmark’s institute for game development. He is an expert in the gaming industry’s companies and their framework conditions. For the past 15 years, Jan has been involved in advocating for the Danish gaming industry.

His work for the Games Industry includes co-founding and leading the associations Vision Denmark, Interactive Denmark, and Computerspilzonen, and has also worked with Danish game companies as Director for Danish Producers’ Association (Producentforeningen).

His professional background is based on 25 years of management experience in Danish and international companies, where he has worked with business development, customer relations, and corporate collaboration with a focus on children, young people, and parents as target groups.

In his daily work, Jan focuses on improving the framework for Danish creative and commercial development processes, preferably in smaller mission-oriented teams that bring together a wide range of stakeholders. Jan has a very broad network among companies in all the audiovisual industries, and he also holds several positions of trust on boards related to the industry’s development.

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