Linda Etgar is the Director of Originals & Editorial at Nuuday and Head of Local Productions at Xee. Linda has a background at BBC Studios in London, started at Nuuday in 2016, and was one of the key players in developing Xee.
Xee is a Danish entertainment channel with a unique mix of original Danish series and American quality series. The starting point of Xee was to contribute with different original Danish content. Original Xee productions count titles such as the award winning series 29, Limboland and 2 døgn (2 Days).
Linda Etgar will be joining the signature session at Meet the Nordic Drama Bosses 2021 at THIS SERIES 2021.

Inside the Writer’s Room – Writing the Stories that Reflect and Shape Our Culture
TV i en ny tidsalder – fra kreativ frihed til forsigtig innovation
Overlevelse og udvikling – Hvordan produktioner kan trives i foranderlige tider
The Nordic Narratives of Tomorrow