Bunmi Akintonwa

Producer, Writer, Distributor - Little Black Book Company

A founder member of pressure group Diversity TV, Bunmi Akintonwa is committed to promoting untold stories and increasing the presence of underrepresented professionals in the industry on and off-screen.

In 2003 she established the production and distribution company little black book co (LBBC) to create and develop inclusive scripted and unscripted content. LBBC works across multiple genres, with a number of international partners from the UK, USA, Nigeria, Mexico and Europe. It also distributes social impact music shows, such as Live 8 and Live Earth.

A BAFTA Member and a member of the MIPMarkets Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Board, Bunmi began her career as a journalist. She moved into TV as a writer and on-screen reporter before holding several positions in acquisitions for international broadcasters (OSN, ART, SKY Italia, among others). She also helped set up On The Docks, a VOD platform for independent documentary makers in Italy.

At THIS 2022 Bunmi will join Philip Shelley and Jess Loveland in our panel at the Championing the Writers session. She will focus on the relation between society and series and how series no longer just reflects society but can in fact change and shape tomorrow’s society.

Series can move conversation, but not work miracles. But it all starts with those who create stories.


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