Wilhelm Berhman is a Swedish series creator and scriptwriter. I collaboration with Niklas Rocksröm, he has written the series Before We Die (Inden Vi Dør) and the much accliamed Caliphate. Their most recent project is the Netflix series The Unlikely Murderer, about the death of the Swedish Prime Minister Oluf Palme in 1986, based on the book by the same name written by Thomas Pettersson.
Behrman has a background as news reporter for the Svenska Dagbladet and the news programme EKOT. Aside from his career as scriptwriter, Behrman also works as a psychologist in Stockholm.
Wilhelm Berhman will join the session The Unlikely Murderer – Re-interpreting a Swedish National Trauma at THIS SERIES 2021.
Inside the Writer’s Room – Writing the Stories that Reflect and Shape Our Culture
TV i en ny tidsalder – fra kreativ frihed til forsigtig innovation
Overlevelse og udvikling – Hvordan produktioner kan trives i foranderlige tider
The Nordic Narratives of Tomorrow