Vilde Schanke Sundet, PhD and researcher in media and communication at the University of Oslo, is currently wrapping up a larger study on online drama, youth television and fan cultures. Her most recent work is the book Television Drama in the Age of Streaming – Transnational Strategies and Digital Production Cultures the NRK (2021), building on an in-depth study of the Norwegian public broadcaster (NRK) and some of its game-changing drama productions.
Sundet studies media, policy and audiences/fans and fandom, and is an online drama expert. She is curently emgaged in a study on the position of global media platforms among Norwegian teenagers, and how national media producers and policy-makers respond to these platforms and the media habits of a new media generation.
Vilde Schanke Sundet will host the two sessions Pørni – Breaking All the Records and EXIT – Creating the Biggest Streaming Success of NRK at THIS SERIES 2021.